
Berita Terbaru
Trend thrifting buruk bagi keberlanjutan lingkungan
Penulis :
Annisa Aqila...
Menengok Peluang Indonesia dalam Pelaksanaan High Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholders Partnership
Menengok Peluang Indonesia dalam Pelaksanaan High Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholders Partnership
Journal of World Trade Studies (JWTS) is published by the Center of World Trade Studies (CWTS), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia in collaboration with WTO Chairs Programme (WCP). JWTS provides an in-depth and thought-provoking analysis of the world trading system designed and exercised at multilateral, plurilateral, regional, and bilateral levels. JWTS particularly focuses on analysing regimes that regulate and sustain the world trading system and examining important developments in the global trade landscape. JWTS publishes two issues per year.