

Indonesia’s Position and Strategy in Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) Negotiation of the Doha Round and the Role of Domestic Interest Groups

Monograph Series: Strategic Issues of Indonesia International Trade Topics 2013   The role of domestic interest groups...

Pemetaan Potensi Industri Kreatif Kuliner dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal

Monograph Series: Practices in Trade and Indonesian Encounters Berkembangnya industri kreatif telah menjadi pokok bahasan penting...

The Future of Doha Round: Optimalisasi Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Kerangka WTO

Monograph Series: Practices in Trade and Indonesian Encounters Monograf berjudul ‘The Future of Doha Round: Optimalisasi...

Analysis of Traditional Society Interests Related to Indonesian Position in the TRIPs Negotiations on the Doha Round to Establish National Law Reform Strategy

Monograph Series: Indonesia’s Strategic Topics In International Trade 2012 The Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property...

New-Protectionism in International Trade: Utilization of Environment Issues in Indonesia-USA Timber Trade

Monograph Series: Indonesia’s Strategic Topics In International Trade 2012 The research aims at elaborating the notion...