

Pemetaan Potensi Industri Kreatif Kuliner dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal

monograf2013_mp3eiMonograph Series: Practices in Trade and Indonesian Encounters

Berkembangnya industri kreatif telah menjadi pokok bahasan penting dalam mencermati pertumbuh­an ekonomi indonesia. Salah satu bidang yang cukup menarik perhatian adalah industri kreatif pada sektor kuliner. Dengan melihat fakta tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri perkembang­an industri kreatif pada sektor kuliner dan implikasinya terhadap penguatan perekonomian lokal. Secara lebih khusus, penelitian ini juga dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai perkembangan industri kreatif di Koridor Ekonomi Jawa yang difokuskan di tiga kota yaitu, Yogyakarta, Bandung, dan Malang. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah survei lapangan melalui wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan penyelenggaraan focused group discussion (FGD).

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The Future of Doha Round: Optimalisasi Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Kerangka WTO

monograf2013_doha-roundMonograph Series: Practices in Trade and Indonesian Encounters

Monograf berjudul ‘The Future of Doha Round: Optimalisasi Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Kerangka WTO’ ini merupakan hasil kajian kerja sama antara Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia (PSPD) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dan Pusat P2K-OI Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (BPPK) Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia. Kajian ini pada dasarnya dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis kepentingan diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia, terutama menyikapi terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Konferensi Tingkat Menteri (KTM) WTO di Bali pada 3-6 Desember 2013. Terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggaraan KTM WTO IX tersebut menunjukkan semakin besarnya peran dan pengaruh Indonesia dalam organisasi perdagangan dunia. Hal ini juga menjadi wujud pelaksanaan komitmen Indonesia yang kuat dalam upaya penyempurnaan aturan dan sistem perdagangan multilateral dunia.

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Analysis of Traditional Society Interests Related to Indonesian Position in the TRIPs Negotiations on the Doha Round to Establish National Law Reform Strategy

monograf2012_tripsMonograph Series: Indonesia’s Strategic Topics In International Trade 2012

The Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) is one of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreements. After the Agreement was finally agreed in 1994, there has been an expansion of issues in the TRIPs negotiation. After the Uruguay round, the TRIPs negotiation has developed to cover some additional issues including the expansion of geographical indications other than wines and spirits, harmonisation between Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the TRIPs Agreement, protection of the traditional knowledge (TK), Traditional Cultural Expression (TCE), and biological resources. These new issues mainly represent the interest of developing countries. The development of TRIPS negotiation post Uruguay Round, therefore, indicates the increase of the developing countries’ role in pursuing their interest.

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New-Protectionism in International Trade: Utilization of Environment Issues in Indonesia-USA Timber Trade

monograf2012_timberMonograph Series: Indonesia’s Strategic Topics In International Trade 2012

The research aims at elaborating the notion of environmental protectionism in trade practices as exemplified in the case of Indonesia-US timber trade relations. Under the Lacey Act amendment (promulgated in April 2010), entry to US timber market requires environmentally friendly certification making a barrier to Indonesia’s timber and wooden product. The US maintains that the measure is in concordance with its environmental conservation interest and standardization. Indonesia’s timber and wooden producers, on the other hand, argue that the regulation is an instrument justifying new protectionism measures which eventually benefitting its domestic timber and wooden producers. In spite of that, the government of Indonesia has been showing efforts to make its timber and wood products in compliance with can the US standards.

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Stages of Pre-Negotiation as a Critical Success Trade Negotiations: Comparative Study of Indonesia and IndiaTahapan Pra Negoisasi sebagai Penentu Keberhasilan Negoisasi Perdagangan: Studi Perbandingan Indonesia dan India

mono2011_polMonograph Series 2011: Political Economic Dimension of Trade

The launch of Doha Round of trade negotiations in 2001 is a significant momentum in the history of international trade. The agenda for equitable development as the focus of negotiations raises both opportunities and challenges, especiallyfor developing countries. This important development must be utilized by developing countries by strengthening two domains at once: first, strengthening policy formulation and implementation in the domestic domain, and second, trade diplomacy
reinforcement to achieve opportunities in every trade scheme agreed in this round of negotiations.

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Implications of Product Standards Policy of CPO through Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) of Indonesian CPO Trade ExportImplikasi Kebijakan Standarisasi Produk CPO melalui Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) terhadap Perdagangan Ekspor Produk CPO Indonesia

mono2011_hukMonograph Series 2011: Legal Aspect of Trade

As one of major exporters of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivative products, Indonesia has ever more faced with challenges in its environmentally-friendly practices of its palm oil industry. Increasing concerns among consumers of CPOrelated products onthe issue has encouraged CPO producing countries (including Indonesia) to apply a technical standard on plantation and production processes of palm oil. Major example of such concerns is that of European one who introduces a Roundtable on the Sustainable of Palm Oil (RSPO). It has laid down a regulation based on the Europe Union Renewable Energy Directive (RED) 2009/28/EC.

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Patterns of Indonesia Trade Specialization with Japan and ChinaPola Spesialisasi Perdagangan Indonesia dengan Jepang dan Cina

mono2011_ekoMonographs Series 2011: Trade Policy Dimension

This research aims to analyze Indonesia’s comparative advantage to China and Japan. The scope of the research covers the years between 1994 and 2009, which can be divided into several periods: 1994-1997, 1998-2001, 2002-2005, and 2006-2009. The data are gathered from trade statistics, publ ished by United Nations, including International Trade Statistics Yearbook (ITSY) and United Nations Commodity Trade Stat istics Database (UN-COMTRADE). This research employs 3 digits Standard International Trade Classif ication (SITC) Revision 3. The findings demonstrate that between 1994 and 2009, Indonesia’s exports were mainly in products that can be categorized as crude materials, inedible, except fuels. This research also concludes that Indonesia’s comparative advantage to China and Japan is st ill in raw materials and natural resources.

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Competitiveness Analysis of Indonesia Plantation Export CommoditiesAnalisis Daya Saing Komoditas Ekspor Perkebunan Indonesia

mono2011_pertanianMonographs Series 2011: Technical Dimension of Trade

Agricultural commodities especially plantation ones are strategic commodities in international trade. The increase in export trend of Indonesia’s main agricultural commodities show that Indonesia’s agricultural products are able to compete in international market. Commodities which are routinely exported are palm oil, rubber, cocoa, coffee, pepper, and tea. From some of these, commodities such palm oil, rubber, and cocoa are the most primary commodities generating foreign exchange for the country. Indonesian cocoa is exported as cocoa beans, cocoa butter, cocoa paste, cocoa husk and shells. Rubber is exported as natural rubber and processed rubber.

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