Stages of Pre-Negotiation as a Critical Success Trade Negotiations: Comparative Study of Indonesia and IndiaTahapan Pra Negoisasi sebagai Penentu Keberhasilan Negoisasi Perdagangan: Studi Perbandingan Indonesia dan India

mono2011_polMonograph Series 2011: Political Economic Dimension of Trade

The launch of Doha Round of trade negotiations in 2001 is a significant momentum in the history of international trade. The agenda for equitable development as the focus of negotiations raises both opportunities and challenges, especiallyfor developing countries. This important development must be utilized by developing countries by strengthening two domains at once: first, strengthening policy formulation and implementation in the domestic domain, and second, trade diplomacy
reinforcement to achieve opportunities in every trade scheme agreed in this round of negotiations.

This research intends to analyze Indonesia’s policy in responding to these challenges and opportunities under the current Doha Round negotiations, as well as comparing Indonesia’s experience with the Indian case. As the Doha Round continues,
Indonesia has suffered from unclear domestic trade policy and lack of quality in trade diplomacy. The findings show that a low quality of Indonesia’s trade diplomacy is caused by a low budget on research for negotiation preparation, lack of academic support, and lack of human resources quality. This condition is also worsened by the fact that, there is no synergy among related stakeholders.

As a consequence, public interests (such as farmers, trade association, craftsmen, etc.) cannot be well accommodated in negotiation process. Contrary to the Indonesian case, India can be regarded as one of the most prepared developing countries to cope with Doha Round negotiations. This is evident from the fact that any position papers proposed by the Indian delegation during Doha Round are considered as very detail and comprehensive. The evidences further demonstrate that in formulating its position papers for negotiation, the Indian government carries out regular consultative meetings with various stakeholders. As a result, the position taken by the Indian government not only reflects the domestic needs of Indian society, but the Indian government also enjoys respectable position, which is considered as the leader of developing countries in the WTO negotiations.

Authors: Dedy Permadi, SIP., MA., Annisa Gita Srikandini, SIP., MA., Angga Kusumo, SIP.
ISBN: 978-602-18085-0-4
Collation: xix + 63 p
Language: Bahasa

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  1. Silvana Schimanski 12 years ago

    Dear all,

    I’m very interested in the full text of this work!
    It would be nice If you can help me with that!


    • CwtsPspd 12 years ago

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  2. fahmi 11 years ago

    Bagaimana agar saya dapat versi lengkapnya?
