SARDEIN Bali: Initial Collaboration between CWTS UGM and INBIS UNMAS to Empower Local MSMEs

Zachary Nichols-Lang
Student Intern, ACICIS - Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Lukas Andri Surya Singarimbun
Website Manager, Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Mahasaraswati University Denpasar (UNMAS) Business Incubator (INBIS), Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association for Higher Education (HIPMI PT) UNMAS, and the Center for World Trade Studies at Gadjah Mada University (CWTS UGM) held the Sarasehan* Indonesian Economic Democracy (SARDEIN) on Friday (14/4). This SARDEIN session was held at Mahasaraswati University in Denpasar, Bali, with the theme "Projecting the Importance of Local MSMEs in National Economic Equality."
The event was opened with the welcoming dance "Sekar Jagat," followed by remarks from UNMAS and CWTS UGM representatives. Opening remarks by Vice Chancellor III UNMAS, I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Hum, expressed hope that the quality of MSMEs, especially in Denpasar, would improve as a result of the SARDEIN discussion. Dr. Riza Noer Arfani, Head of CWTS UGM, underlined the importance of collaboration between MSMEs, academics, and policymakers in encouraging the competitiveness of MSMEs in the international market. Representing the Suryakanta Institute, Maj. Gen. TNI (Purn.) IGK Manila, S.I.P. then welcomed the participants and assistants. Further, he motivated students to care more about the development of MSMEs.
Moderated by Putu Desi Anggerina Hikmaharyanti, M. Hum, the session continued with the Head of the Denpasar City Cooperatives and MSME Office, Dr. I Dewa Made Agung, SE., M.Sc presenting examples of Denpasar City Government’s various MSME development practices. Some government efforts, including the creation of the website to enhance MSME capital, an e-catalogue to increase MSME market access, a youth economic creativity festival “D'Youth Fest,” Denpasar Festival, and the MSME Actors Exhibition. Denpasar’s government also expects growth in cooperation for approaching MSME development problems, especially in promotion and marketing.
Head of the Buleleng Regency Tourism Village Network, Jero Mangku Made Ariawan, STT.PAR. MBA raised various circular economic activities in the Tourism Village of Buleleng Regency, Bali. Jero emphasized the importance of practical discussions and directions for farmers and MSME actors, who often do not specialize in a theoretical approach. By exploiting the potential of the location and culture, UMKM Tourism Villages in Buleleng Regency are advancing the arts, agriculture, and snack food sectors.
Continuing the discussion, the Head of INBIS UNMAS Denpasar, Daniel Manek, S.Fil., SM., MM, shared various experiences of MSME-themed competitions which students at UNMAS Denpasar attended to advance and develop student skills in the MSME field. Apart from the competition, Daniel also encourages skill development through collaboration like the one between UNMAS and CWTS UGM.
Furthermore, the Head of Section 1 of the Denpasar City HIPMI Branch Management Body (BPC), I Putu Hendra Arimbawa, SE., conveyed the great potential of Balinese MSME products and the relatively high potential of the MSME market in Indonesia. I Putu Hendra emphasized the importance of strengthening the MSME export-import sector to advance the Indonesian economy.
After the Question-and-Answer session, SARDEIN was closed by signing a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between CWTS UGM and INBIS UNMAS on the local MSME empowerment program to create a sustainable, just, and resilient economy. This collaboration between CWTS UGM and universities in the n-helix scheme is oriented toward research, curriculum development, training, and policy advocacy.
* Sarasehan (in Bahasa) is a semi-formal discussion between experts and audiences on certain issues.