
21 Feb

Agriculture and International Trade

Speaker: James Whitaker (USAID Chief Economist)
Moderator: Riza N. Arfani (HI UGM)

Registration: Neily (0856 5108 6009), Dewanti (0877 3806 6293)

About James Whitaker
Dr. James Whitaker received his Ph.D. from Utah State University in 2006. He then joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service where he conducted research on agriculture and trade.  Dr. Whitaker has also taught economics courses as an adjunct professor at Utah State, Georgetown, and George Mason Universities.  After 3 years as a research economist, he joined the U.S. Agency for International Development and was assigned to Almay, Kazakhstan, where he served as the Mission Economist. He participated in the design and evaluation of several projects focused mainly on food security and agriculture in the region, especially Tajikistan.   Dr. Whitaker has published research articles in top agricultural economics journals and has additional research interests in labor economics, environmental economics, the economics of corruption, experimental economics, and behavioral economics.

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21 Feb

Kajian Ekonomi Politik Kenaikan Harga BBM

Ahmad Rizky M. Umar
(Menteri Kajian Strategis dan Kebijakan BEM KM UGM, Mahasiswa HI UGM) Pembicara
Ahmad Rizky M. Umar
(Menteri Kajian Strategis dan Kebijakan BEM KM UGM, Mahasiswa HI UGM)

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21 Feb

Short Course Series in International Trade I & II

“Overview and Basics Understanding of International Trade”


  1. Legal Aspect
    Prof. M. Hawin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
    Tomy Suryo Utomo,  S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
  2. Political Economy of Trade
    Dr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati
    Nur Achmad Effendi (KADIN Yogyakarta)
  3. Technical Aspect of Trade
    Prof. Dr. Ir. Y. Andi Trisyono, M.Sc.
    Dr. Wahyu Supartono
    Nur Arofah
  4. Trade Policy and Dynamics
    Tri Widodo, Ph.D.
    S.R. Yunastuti, S.E. (KADIN Yogyakarta)

Certificate, seminar kit, bag, lunch, coffee break

Investment fee

  • Full session
    S1 Student: Rp. 1.000.000
    S2/S3 student:  Rp. 1.100.000
    Other: Rp. 1.200.000
  • Cluster
    S1 Student: Rp. 300.000
    S2/S3 student:  Rp. 350.000
    Other: Rp. 400.000

For further information please contact:
Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia (Center for World Trade Studies) Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Podocarpus II, Blok C No. 7, Bulaksumur Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
Phone/Fax : +62 274 580273
Email: cwts.ugm@gmail.com

Yuri: 0856 713 7183
Neily: 0856 510 86009Tema
“Tinjauan dan Pengertian Dasar Perdagangan Internasional”

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21 Feb

CPO Export Performance of North Sumatra

  • speaker: Hafidz Saragih
  • theme: “CPO Export Performance of North Sumatra.”

You could register by texting your full name & institution to Icha (+6281227722297) . Limited seat. This event will be conducted in Indonesian.

  • pembicara: Hafidz Saragih
  • tema: “Kinerja Ekspor CPO Sumatera Utara.”

Registrasi dapat dilakukan melalui sms dengan menyebutkan nama lengkap & asal instansi kepada Icha (081227722297). Tempat terbatas.

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21 Feb

CWTS UGM response to the U.S. rejection on Indonesia Crude Palm Oil (CPO)

  • speaker: Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri
  • theme: “Tanggapan PSPD UGM terhadap Penolakan AS atas Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Indonesia”

You could register by texting your full name & institution to Icha (+6281227722297) . Limited seat. This event will be conducted in Indonesian.

  • pembicara: Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri
  • tema: “Tanggapan PSPD UGM terhadap Penolakan AS atas Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Indonesia”
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    21 Feb

    Indonesia’a Tourism: Utilizing Opportunities in the Globalization Era

    • speaker: Desy Nur Aini
    • theme: “Indonesia’a Tourism: Utilizing Opportunities in the Globalization Era”

    You could register by texting your full name & institution to Icha (+6281227722297) . Limited seat. This event will be conducted in Indonesian.

  • pembicara: Desy Nur Aini
  • tema: Pariwisata Indonesia dalam Memanfaatkan Peluang di Era Globalisasi
  • read more