
22 Feb

Peran Kelompok Kepentingan di Indonesia dalam Negosiasi Pertanian Putaran Doha

–    Poppy S. Winanti (Researcher at PSPD UGM)
–    Octa Purnama Sari (Researcher Assistant at PSPD UGM)

Free entry and snack
Information: Neily (0856 5108 6009)Pembicara:
–    Poppy S. Winanti (Peneliti PSPD UGM)
–    Octa Purnama Sari (Asisten Peneliti PSPD UGM)

Gratis biaya masuk dan dapat snack
Informasi: Neily (0856 5108 6009)

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22 Feb

Developing Countries and WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

CWTS Public Forum

Friday, October 12, 2012 | 8.00-11.00 am
@R. Pertemuan B-19, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta

Sekretariat PSPD UGM
JL. Podocarpus 2 Blok C-7 Bulaksumur
CP. Neily (0856 5108 6009)

Fee: IDR 15.000
Facilities: Include sertificate and snack
Limited SeatForum Publik PSPD

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2012 | 8.00-11.00 WIB
@ R. Pertemuan B-19, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta

Sekretariat PSPD UGM
JL. Podocarpus 2 Blok C-7 Bulaksumur
CP. Neily (0856 5108 6009)

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22 Feb

Short Course Series in International Trade 2012/2013: 1st Serie


Salah satu keniscayaan era globalisasi adalah kian terbuka selebar-lebarnya kran perdagangan antarnegara. Perdagangan internasional tersebut tentu saja bukan aktivitas sederhana yang hanya diperankan oleh pemerintah, melainkan melibatkan banyak pihak. Seperti misalnya produsen, eksportir/importir, dsb. Karena itu, segala sendi mengenai perdagangan internasional menjadi hal yang mutlak untuk diketahui oleh semua stakeholder.

Seri Pertama dari empat Seri Kursus Singkat Perdagangan Internasional ini merupakan seri pengantar untuk mengetahui lika-liku perdagangan internasional. Peserta akan diajak untuk memahami secara gamblang mengenai apa, bagaimana dan mengapa perdagangan internasional itu mengemuka dan berkembang. Ruang lingkup seri ini adalah menggambarkan secara garis besar isu-isu kunci dan pola-pola perdagangan internasional yang dilihat dari beragam aspek, seperti ekonomi, hukum, sosial-politik, hubungan internasional dan berbagai dimensi teknis lainnya yang berlaku di sejumlah komoditi.

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22 Feb

Does the Indonesia Automotive Manufacturing Industry has What it Takes to Compete in Post 2015 AFTA?

Muyanja Ssenyonga
Master Program in Public Policy and Administration
Universitas Gadjah Mada

As Indonesia, like other 9 members of ASEAN is gearing up to become an ASEAN free trade area in 2015, questions are being posed,  albeit at the wrong time, whether or not the largest economy in ASEAN is ready to take that fundamental and game changing milestone. As one of the founders and has been cited previously, the largest economy, Indonesia’s readiness and preparedness to become a fully-fledged member of AFTA by 2015, is pivotal for the consummation of the exercise. In that context, this study will highlights and focuses on the state of the automotive industry.Pembicara:
Muyanja Ssenyonga
Master Program in Public Policy and Administration
Universitas Gadjah Mada

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22 Feb

The Role of EU Generalized System of Preferences to Discover Trade Relationships between ASEAN-EU

Speaker: Ika Riswanti Putranti (PhD Candidate in European Union Law, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, IUSS – Ferrara 1391 Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy)

The EU’s Generalized System of Preferences is commonly recognized as having been, for 40 years, the only trade preferences system operating among the European Union and ASEAN member states. Due to the various levels of economic developments, ASEAN member states are granted different arrangement in the EU GSP scheme. There are some crucial changes in the new GSP regulation in order to improve the GSP scheme, compared with the previous one. First, the application of open-ended system review to replace the annual review aimed to develop a more stable and predictable GSP scheme. Second, the GSP would be given based on the consideration of the country most in need. Consequently, based on such policy, European Union would cut down the number of beneficiary countries from current 176 to 80 countries. On the other hand, after the deadlock of AEUFTA negotiation, European Union commenced to carry out FTA negotiation with the individual ASEAN member states. Such negotiation has been started with Singapore and Malaysia. Questions were raised about: how the new EU GSP regulation would govern trade relations between ASEAN-EU? What are the positions of ASEAN member states in the new EU GSP schemes? How is ASEAN supposed to address such new policy, after the negotiation of AEUFTA has been postponed?Speaker: Ika Riswanti Putranti (PhD Candidate in European Union Law, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, IUSS – Ferrara 1391 Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy)

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22 Feb

Understanding Development Problems Faced by Local Community

In the middle of an increasingly progressive growth, the implementation of the concept of development in Indonesia face many obstacles. This issue is faced by almost all actors in development, including local communities in various regions. Debate about Esemka in Solo as a national car; unfairness competition between modern retail with traditional marketers in Yogyakarta; iron sands cases that have not gotten a solution in Kulonprogo; and development constraints puppet craft in Bantul, is a representation of the issues in question. This public seminar was held to conduct in-depth elaboration of academic-related development issues faced by local communities using several case studies above.

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22 Feb

Global Value Chain Discussion Series

  • May, 25, 2012


  1. Enggar Furi Herdianto “Studi Kasus Mata Rantai Industri Otomotif Thailand”
  2. Anak Agung Istri Diah Tricesaria  “Pengembangan Industri Otomotif Malaysia Dalam Perspektif Global Value Chain: Studi Kasus Terhadap Proton dan Potensinya Menembus Pasar Otomotif Internasional”
  3. Jamal “Pengembangan Industri Otomotif Indonesia Dalam Perspektif GVC”

  • June, 1, 2012
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