Cooperation with Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Nowadays, the use of digital technology has significantly impacted economic activities to the point that it has even become a necessity in the era of globalization. Through the use of information and communication technology, trade is carried out virtually and electronically through e-commerce. To deal with the massive development of e-commerce, policy adjustments at the national, regional, and international level have to be made. Together with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia (KOMINFO), CWTS UGM has conducted a research project to propose Indonesia's position on various e-commerce issues in three international negotiations, namely JSI-WTO, IEU-CEPA, and IJEPA.
The scope of this research includes:
- Cross Border Data Flows
- Location of Computing Facilities
- Privacy and Personal Data Protection
- Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Message/Direct Marketing Communication
- Source Code
- Online Consumer Protection
- Domestic Regulatory Framework
- Cooperation