


Journal of World Trade Studies (JWTS), published by Center for World Trade Studies (CWTS) UGM in collaboration with WTO Chairs Program (WCP), invites scholars and practitioners to explore issues in “Circular Economy, Trade, and Sustainable Development”.

This volume highlights the challenges of resource exploitation in current economic models by promoting the concept of Circular Economy (CE), where resources are reused, remanufactured, and recycled.

Research articles with the following topics are welcome:
• The politics and policy practices of CE in economic, environment, agriculture, and socio-education sectors
• The impacts of CE towards society, business, and nature
• Strategies to accelerate the transition towards CE

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Journal CWTS Vol. 5 No. 2, 2015: Climate Change and Agriculture in Multilateral Trade Negotiations and The Development of Trade Coopertion at Regional Level

jurnal2015-2Pada volume ini, Journal of the World Studies menyajikan empat artikel yang mendiskusikan Indonesia dalam negosiasi sektor pertanian di WTO, isu lingkungan dan perdagangan internasional, serta perkembangan kerja sama perdagangan bilateral dan regional. Artikel pertama ditulis oleh Mira Sukmawati berisi tentang dinamika posisi Indonesia dalam perundingan pertanian di WTO. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa dalam memperjuangkan kepentingannya Indonesia menggunakan strategi perundingan integrative. Strategi ini digunakan Indonesia sebagai upaya untuk mengkompromikan dua kepentingan berbeda yang ingin dicapai yaitu mendorong terbukanya akses pasar yang lebih luas namun tetap memperjuangkan penggunaan subsidi domestik dan subsidi ekspor serta perlakuan khusus dan berbeda bagi negara berkembang. Negosiasi integratif ini ditunjukkan Indonesia melalui keterlibatannya dalam koalisi perdagangan yang berbeda, yaitu bergabung dengan Cairns
Group yang memperjuangkan akses pasar dan mendorong liberalisasi pertanian dan di sisi lain juga menjadi bagian dari koalisi G- 20 dan G-33 yang memperjuangkan perlakukan khusus bagi negara berkembang.

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Journal CWTS Vol. 5 No. 1, 2015: Domestic Politics and International Trade Policy

jurnal2015-1Pada volume ini, Journal of the World Studies menyajikan empat artikel yang mengambil tema utama politik domestik dan kebijakan perdagangan internasional. Tiga artikel difokuskan pada kebijakan perdagangan dan konteks politik domestik di Indonesia dan satu artikel mengangkat kasus Jepang. Artikel pertama yang ditulis oleh Sevy Kusdianita dan Primadiana Yunita difokuskan pada peran perusahaan besar dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan tobacco control di Indonesia. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menduduki peringkat teratas mengenai jumlah perokok. Di samping itu, jumlah hasil produksi tembakau yang beredar di Indonesia juga termasuk tinggi. Jumlah yang tinggi dalam produksi tembakau merupakan akumulasi dari produksi tembakau perusahaan dalam negeri maupun produksi tembakau perusahaan multinasional yang berinvestasi di perusahaan dalam negeri. Tulisan ini menguraikan dan menganalisis mengenai kekuatan industri tembakau multinasional dalam mengintervesi kebijakan tobacco control di Indonesia. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa industri tembakau multinasional dapat mengintervensi kebijakan tobacco control di suatu negara, terutama di negara dunia ketiga. Intervensi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tembakau multinasional tersebut dikarenakan oleh dua kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan multinasional pada umumnya, yakni relational power dan structural power. Kekuatan tersebut telah terbukti mampu memberikan keuntungan bagi industri tembakau multinasional yang ada di Indonesia serta kepada negara asal industri tembakau multinasional tersebut.

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Journal CWTS Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013: Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Trade Relations at the Regional LevelJournal CWTS Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013: Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Trade Relations at the Regional Level

jurnal2013In this issue, the Journal of the World Studies presents five selected articles focusing on the dispute settlement mechanism under the global trading system and salient issues relating to trade relations at the regional level. Topics related to the global trading system analysed in this edition, include the dispute between the US and China and the implementation of cross-agreement retaliation. Articles covering the regional level of trade discuss: the cumulative rules of origin for closer economic integration by focusing on the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) single market perspective; the formation of bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and ASEAN agreements; and also the Indonesian government policy on creative economy in order to cope with the ASEAN Economic Community.

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Journal CWTS Vol. 3 No. 1, 2012: Indonesia Position in International TradeJournal CWTS Vol. 3 No. 1, 2012: Indonesia Position in International Trade

jurnal2012In this issue, the Journal of the World Studies presents four selected articles focusing mainly on the Indonesian position in regional and global trading system.  Three out of four articles published in this issue are the results of collaborative research conducted by the researchers from the Center for World Trade Studies. The main topic of the research is analysing the Indonesian position in international trade covering automotive, agriculture, and service sectors both at regional and multilateral trade relations. Unlike previous issues that all articles were in English, the articles published in this issue are bilingual, using both Bahasa Indonesia and English.

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Journal CWTS Vol. 2 No. 1, 2011: Developing Countries in Global Trading SystemJournal CWTS Vol. 2 No. 1, 2011: Developing Countries in Global Trading System

jurnal2011In this issue, the Journal of the World Trade Studies presents five selected articles focusing mainly on developing countries in global trading system. Some of the articles published in this issue were already presented at the International Conference on ‘Enhancing Indonesia’s Competitiveness in Contemporary Trade’ on 3 October 2011. This conference was organized by the Center for World Trade Studies in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, the authors of the current issue are not only Indonesian researchers but also researchers from other countries. The contribution of international researchers exhibits the merit of networking under the WTO Chairs Programme.

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Journal CWTS Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010: WTO and the Third WorldJournal CWTS Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010: WTO and the Third World

journal2010It is a great pleasure in presenting to readers the first issue of 2010 of the Journal of the World Studiespublished by Center for the World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (can be cited as J. WTS U. Gadjah Mada). In this issue we publish a collection of essay on the theme of the WTO and the Third World. Those articles arose from a joint program between Center for the World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada and the World Trade Organization Chairs Program (WCP). In this issue we present five selected papers which are contributed by our senior researchers who come from the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Social and Political Science, and a practicing lawyer specialized in international trade cases.

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