

Commitment to Promote Circular Economy in Developing Countries Re-emphasised on The Closing Session of The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy, and Sustainability

CWTS UGM: International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability 21-22 September 2021

The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability held by the Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CWTS UGM) was officially closed on Wednesday (22/9/21). The workshop ended with presentations by Maria Josefina Figueroa from Copenhagen Business School and Dr. Rainer Lanz from the Trade and Environment Division of the WTO, followed by a discussion session. In her presentation titled “Circular Economy International and Climate Change Perspectives,” Figueroa raised a question regarding how the circular economy can contribute to a systemic transformational change for climate. It is said that the circular economy has the potential to induce climate change transformation, but it is still weak in practice. There are various definitions of the circular economy that result in different understandings and applications. Therefore, the contribution of circular strategies in mitigating climate change is not well understood yet.

Creating policies at the micro, meso, and macro level is essential to advance the circular economy for climate transformation goals. To achieve the goals, all actors should be able to access more knowledge and gain more ability to implement the change. In addition, decision makers need to support the development of new technologies and the creation of markets for materials and products with low emission. To minimize the climate impact,  the focus on rethinking, reducing and reusing materials must persist.

Dr. Rainer Lanz identified some challenges in advancing the circular economy in his presentation. Some of the challenges are the definition, classification, standards, and regulations for cooperation, technology, areas of priorities, and facilitation of trade in services to promote circular and inclusive economic transformation. Several solutions to overcome this problem include transparency and policy discussion, peer review, negotiation, capacity building for more efficient and safe trade.

The workshop officially closed by the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad Lutfi, and the Head of Division of Knowledge and Information Management, Academic Outreach and the WTO Chairs Programme, Werner Zdouc. In his closing remarks, Lutfi said that there are at least three trading trends that will occur in the near future, namely transparency, collaboration and sustainability. Transparency will mark the trends and collaboration among institutions  will be required in order to create value. In addition, sustainability is also something that must be embraced, changed, and done. Werner Zdouc later re-emphasized the importance of collaboration and dialogue between stakeholders in Indonesia to promote  the circular economy transition both at the local and national level.

CWTS UGM: International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability 21-22 September 2021

Komitmen Mendorong Ekonomi Sirkular di Negara Berkembang Ditegaskan Kembali pada Penutupan Lokakarya Kebijakan Internasional tentang Perdagangan, Ekonomi Sirkular, dan Keberlanjutan

Rangkaian lokakarya yang diadakan oleh PSPD UGM resmi ditutup pada Rabu (22/9/21). Lokakarya diakhiri dengan sesi diskusi yang diinisiasi oleh presentasi yang disampaikan Maria Josefina Figueroa dari Copenhagen Business School dan Dr. Rainer Lanz dari Divisi Perdagangan dan Lingkungan WTO. Dalam presentasi yang berjudul “Circular Economy International and Climate Change Perspectives”, Maria mengangkat pertanyaan pemantik mengenai apakah ekonomi sirkular dapat berkontribusi pada transformasi sistematis untuk perubahan iklim. Ia menyampaikan bahwa ekonomi sirkular memiliki potensi untuk berkontribusi pada transformasi perubahan iklim, namun dalam prakteknya masih lemah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh definisi ekonomi sirkular yang berbeda-beda sehingga penerapannya muncul dalam pengaturan yang berbeda pula. Oleh karena itu, peluang kontribusi strategi ekonomi sirkular dalam memitigasi perubahan iklim kurang dapat dipahami.

Pembuatan kebijakan di level mikro, meso, dan makro adalah salah satu cara penting untuk membantu memajukan ekonomi sirkular dalam proses transformasi iklim. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, dibutuhkan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan seluruh aktor. Peningkatan ini perlu dibantu integrasi antara kebijakan energi dan iklim dengan praktik sirkularitas dan efisiensi penggunaan material oleh industri berbasis indikator pemantauan. Selain itu, pengambil keputusan perlu mendukung pengembangan teknologi, solusi baru serta penciptaan pasar untuk bahan dan produk rendah emisi. Untuk menjaga agar dampak perubahan iklim tetap rendah, fokus pada rethink, reduce dan reuse harus tetap dijalankan.

Dr. Rainer Lanz dalam presentasinya menambahkan beberapa tantangan yang berhasil diidentifikasi untuk memajukan ekonomi sirkular, diantaranya tantangan mengenai definisi dan klasifikasi, standar dan regulasi kerjasama, teknologi, fasilitasi perdagangan jasa guna mendorong sirkularitas dan area yang menjadi prioritas untuk transformasi ekonomi yang inklusif. Beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut meliputi transparansi dan diskusi kebijakan, peer review, negosiasi, pengembangan kapasitas untuk perdagangan yang lebih efisien dan aman.

Lokakarya ini secara resmi ditutup oleh Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, Muhammad Lutfi, dan Kepala Divisi Manajemen Informasi dan Pengetahuan, Penjangkauan Akademik dan WTO Chairs Programme, Werner Zdouc. Dalam pidato penutup nya, Lutfi menyampaikan keberadaan dari tiga tren perdagangan yang akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat, yakni transparansi, kolaborasi dan keberlanjutan. Transparansi akan menandai tren perdagangan dan kolaborasi menjadi hal yang harus dijalankan untuk bersama-sama menciptakan nilai. Selain itu, keberlanjutan juga menjadi sesuatu yang harus dirangkul, diubah dan dilakukan. Werner Zdouc lantas menekankan kembali pentingnya kolaborasi dan dialog antar pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia untuk memajukan ekonomi sirkular baik di level lokal maupun nasional.

From Agribusiness to Electronics Industry: Panel Discussion on Circular Economy in Various Sectors on the International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability

CWTS UGM: International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability 21-22 September 2021

The growth of the manufacturing industry and the expansion of multinational companies have catalyzed the economic growth, but it has also resulted in serious environmental problems due to its linear economy model. The linear economy is characterized by the “take-make-dispose” behaviour, which refers to the exploitation of finite natural resources to produce goods that will be thrown away after its usage. This causes various problems, including overflowing landfills and natural resources scarcity. The circular economy system wants to change the traditional production and consumption pattern by separating economic growth from the exploitation of finite natural resources, which can be achieved by offering a regenerative economic design where resources are reused, reproduced, and recycled.

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CWTS UGM Conducted Opening Talk Show Session and Launched Brand New Podcast on The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability

CWTS UGM Conducted Opening Talk Show Session and Launched Brand New Podcast on The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability 21-22 September 2021

Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CWTS UGM) held the “International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability: Forging Knowledge Co-Production on International Trade and Circular Economy Linkages in Developing Countries” virtually on Tuesday (21/9/21) and Wednesday (22/9/21). This workshop brought together researchers with fellow researchers, practitioners, policymakers, students, and the general public to encourage initiatives and policies for circular economy development in developing countries. The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Riza Noer Arfani as the Director of CWTS UGM and drg. Ika Dewi Ana, Ph.D as the Vice-Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ambassador Xiangchen Zhang from the Deputy Director-General of the WTO and H.E. Monique T.G. Van Daalen as the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the WTO also expressed their support for the workshop in their welcoming remarks.

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The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability by CWTS UGM

The International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability by CWTS UGM 21-22 September 2021

Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CWTS UGM) held the “International Policy Workshop on Trade, Circular Economy and Sustainability: Forging Knowledge Co-Production on International Trade and Circular Economy Linkages in Developing Countries” virtually on Tuesday (21/9/21) and Wednesday (22/9/21). This workshop was organised by CWTS UGM in collaboration with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Chairs Programme and the Twin Center Program on Trade and Circular Economy.

The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Riza Noer Arfani as the Director of CWTS UGM and drg. Ika Dewi Ana, Ph.D as the Vice-Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ambassador Xiangchen Zhang from the Deputy Director-General of the WTO and H.E. Monique T.G. Van Daalen as the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the WTO also expressed their support for the workshop in their welcoming remarks.

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