

Implementing Concrete Steps, CWTS UGM Carries Out Beach Cleaning and Mangrove Conservation

Implementing Concrete Steps, CWTS UGM Carries Out Beach Cleaning and Mangrove Conservation


Anisa Febriyanti, S.Ikom

Secretariat Intern, Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada.


Christina Vania Winona, S.I.P

Head of Secretariat Division, Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada.


Muna Rihadatul Aisi, S.Sos.

Head of Dissemination Division, Center for World Trade Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Saturday (4/11), CWTS UGM in collaboration with Suryakanta Institute and the Circular School Program Partnership (CSPP) held the Rantai Komang Trip (Beach Cleaning & Mangrove Conservation) activity together with a Yogyakarta environmental community, Garduaction (Garbage Care and Education). Held on the coast of Parangkusumo Beach, Yogyakarta, this activity was attended by more than 50 participants from various regions.

The Rantai Komang Trip commenced with opening remarks by Mr. Hindratna as the host of Garduaction. In his remarks, he expressed his gratitude and welcomed all Rantai Komang Trip participants. Mr. Hindratna then elaborated Garduaction's journey in managing waste on the Parangkusumo coast. Currently, Garduaction has produced several items from waste, ranging from lightweight bricks, paving blocks, children's toys, flower pots, to eco-enzymes. He also felt proud and honoured for the visit of the Rantai Komang Trip’s participants.

Afterwards, Mario Aden Bayu, the chief organizer of the 2023 Circular Economy Forum (CEF) explained briefly the technicalities of the Rantai Komang Trip event, including the output of this agenda which will be presented at the International Workshop, the next series of CEF 2023 activities.

Dr. Riza N. Arfani, Head of PSPD UGM, continued his remarks by appreciating Garduaction for warmly welcoming the Rantai Komang Trip participants. Dr. Riza explained that through this event, participants could learn first-hand about waste processing in the coastal area, as well as observe directly the processed waste products in Garduaction. He hopes that the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in this activity will continue in a series of other CEF activities until next December.

Eventually, the supervisor of the Suryakanta Institute and environmental activist, Major General TNI (Ret.) IGK Manila or well known as Opa Manila, stressed that the implementation of the circular economy and the blue economy are ways to protect the environment which is currently in a worrying condition. Humans are the main perpetrators of this condition by destroying the environment. Opa Manila hopes that this event will encourage more people to take part in raising awareness about the environment. 

The agenda continued with the formation of several groups who worked collectively to collect rubbish around the coast of Parangkusumo Beach. Simultaneously, participants also had "nyangkruk" or  casual dialogue with local residents to find out more about the lives of coastal residents. After completing these two activities, participants then sorted the collected waste based on several categories, which subsequently will be processed by the Garduaction team into valuable items. The agenda then continued with planting sea pandan mangroves in the area around Garduaction. 


The activity is closed with a bonfire while enjoying the beach atmosphere at night. In the midst of the warm atmosphere, the participants discussed and reflected on the series of Rantai Komang Trip activities..

Pandangan tentang Perkembangan Terbaru di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 2017-2019

Oleh Taufiq Adiyanto dan Saiful Alim Rosyadi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Kondisi Perekonomian Provinsi

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengalami pertumbuhan 5,26 persen dan 6,02 persen pada 2017 dan 2018. Pertumbuhan tersebut ditopang oleh sektor jasa kontruksi yang tumbuh 7,03 dan 13,1 persen pada 2017 dan 2018. Pembangunan Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu pendorong pertumbuhan sektor ini, di samping pembangunan sekolah, hotel, dan perumahan (BPS, 2019a). Perekonomian provinsi ini disumbang paling besar oleh industri pengolahan, sektor jasa hotel dan restoran, dan sektor jasa konstruksi.

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Oleh : Wahyu Subagio Saputro, S.Pt

Pada kesempatan kali ini, hari Selasa, 8 Mei 2018, Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia menyelenggarakan kegiatan diskusi pekanan (weekly discussion) yang menghadirkan pemateri yakni Wahyu Subagio Saputro, seorang mahasiswa pascasarjana, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Wahyu menyampaikan materi terkait peluang dan tantangan perdagangan produk hasil ternak di Indonesia, baik berupa daging, hewan hidup, produk olahan susu hingga telur. BErikut ini adalah rangkuman dari materi yang disampaikan oleh beliau.

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Tantangan Ekonomi Mendatang: Ekonomi Digital

Pembicara     : Putra Perdana, M.Sc

Waktu             : Jum’at, 8 Desember 2017 Pukul 14.00 s.d. 16:00 WIB

Tempat           : Ruang Diskusi Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia UGM

Pada kesempatan kali ini, Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia UGM mendapatkan kehormatan atas pemaparan Bapak Putra Perdana dalam agenda diskusi Weekly Vast Discussion dengan tajuk “Tantangan Perekonomian Mendatang: Ekonomi Digital”. Apabila akademisi mengkaji tentang isu ekonomi digital, tentu saja tidak hanya sebatas pada perkembangan teknologi informasi yang mendorong digitalisasi perekonomian yang memudahkan perdagangan barang/jasa antara produsen dengan konsumen.

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Analisis Ekonomi Politik: PT. Freeport dalam Perdagangan Dunia

Pembicara     : Dr. Fahmy Radhi, M.B.A

Waktu              : Jum’at, 24 November 2017 Pukul 14.00 s.d. 16:00 WIB

Tempat           : Ruang BA. 101, Gedung FISIPOL UGM

Dr. Fahmy Radhi secara konsisten mengamati tentang kebijakan negara di sektor minyak, gas serta minerba (mineral barang tambang). Dr. Fahmy juga sejak dua bulan ini menjadi tim informal Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Ignatius Jonan untuk menyusun formula kebijakan dalam penetapan harga divestasi saham PT Freeport McMorran Indonesia. Apabila publik dan civitas akademis Indonesia membicarakan isu tentang PT Freeport Indonesia memang tidak akan ada habisnya. Dalam konteks perdagangan Internasional, sebenarnya investasi PT Freeport ke Indonesia secara teoritis masuk kategori FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), karena peraturan Indonesia mewajibkan perusahaan asing membentuk joint venture. Namun, hingga kini terdapat keganjilan bahwa mitra PT Freeport bukanlah jenis perusahaan, melainkan dari pemerintah Indonesia. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mekanisme investasinya bukan Business to Business (B to B). Lebih dari 50 tahun saham yang dimiliki Indonesia tidak pernah lebih dari 9,6%.

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Why another Legal Victory in Geneva May Not Mean More Indonesian Clove Cigarettes in the US Market


by Michelle Ayu Chinta Kristy, Groningen

The World Trade Organization recently repudiated the United States’ barrier to Indonesian clove cigarettes. This is certainly a well deserved victory and reflects well on our government’s brave efforts to facilitate Indonesian trade and thus assist local producers, manufacturers, and distributors.

Indonesia’s bravery in taking on a global superpower over politically sensitive products is clear. And, “cloves”, as the case is known by WTO insiders, certainly reflects the rigorously judicial nature of dispute settlement at the WTO such that a developing country could triumph over the U.S. Indeed, while the Doha Round’s apparent failure leads many to doubt the WTO’s value, it must be recognized as one of the WTO’s resounding accomplishments that it provides all Members, including historically marginalized developing countries, equal access to binding dispute settlement.

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