
Diskusi Mingguan

GVC Discussion Series: 1st Serie, May 25, 2012Seri Diskusi GVC: Seri I, 25 Mei 2012

This time, CWTS cooperate with The Graduate Program in International Relations UGM for conducting public discussion series. The discussion series will be held every Friday, and ended at June, 22 with various case studies. The first series were presenting automotive industries in three countries; Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Considering that the final progress of the papers is still on the process, we will only publish the abstract of each paper.

1.    The Chain of Thailand Automotive Production
Thailand is one of the biggest automotive producers in South East Asia. The national automotive industry supported by government policy known as LCR (Local Content Requirement). With LCR, Thailand automotive industry could provide local products for the investors, therefore, production process will directly affects others sector in Thailand industry. In order to support the export activity and strengthening capability of national industry from foreign intervention, Thailand government has three main strategies, in which “Direction and Creating Opportunity” Strategy, Enhancing standard, Research and Development” Strategy; “Human Resources and Manufactures’ Capability Upgrading” Strategy.

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Liberalization of National Oil Company: Brazil ExperienceLiberalisasi Perusahaan Migas: Melihat Pengalaman Brazil

Case Studies: Privatization of Petroleo Brasileiro S.A

On this weekly discussion, CWTS UGM invited a student from IR UGM, Hardya Pranadipa, who also an research assistant at Institute of International Studies (IIS) and Sociedad Indonesia Para América Latina (SIPAL). The appointed topic is still discuss about oil and gas sector, yet, Hardya took the case studies about liberalization of national oil company by Brazil government.

Hardya explained that petroleum and gas industry in Latin America has been started since1920 in Argentina. This moment were remarked by the creating of Yascimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF). The background behind the establishment of energy companies was the will from every country to fulfil the energy need as independently.

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The Sovereignty and Reformation of National Oil and Gas PolicyKedaulatan Migas dan Reformasi Kebijakan Migas Nasional

The title above being the critical notes in our weekly discussion that has been conducted in 13 April 2012. This time, CwtsPspd UGM invited Mr. Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar as the speaker whom presenting his paper titled The Increasing of Oil Price: An Overview of Economy Politics. The discussion was related to the government of Indonesia plan which intent to increase the gas price per 1st April. This is one of the “tense” issues in recent Indonesia domestic news.

Rizky Umar started his explanation with designated the government reason behind the increasing of gas price, in which the inefficient subsidy needs to be relocate into the more productive / prospective sector. At this point, oil subsidy considered as a cause of the swelling of national budget of Indonesia. Meanwhile, there is also the increasing of global oil price beyond the 2012 national budget prediction. Rizky Umar also explain the rejection arguments that come from any lines of society, including; the huge social effect, inefficient “tight-budget” policy, the distinction of infrastructure tackling policy to the social effect and the ‘fait accompli’ towards the national energy endurance.

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Notulensi Diskusi Mingguan 1 April 2011Notulensi Diskusi Mingguan 1 April 2011

Review of documantary movie  “PORTRAITS TAIWAN: Chen Wen-Yu”

This film gives an overview of marketing management in which Chen Wen-Yu is able to synergize between subsystems in agribusiness as well. Subsystem is the subsystem upstream (seed), a subsystem on farm (watermelon), downstream subsystem (trade system) and supporting institutions (government). Historically, the plant is not the watermelon comes from Taiwan, but eventually could be cultivated properly even able to make Taiwan one of the exporters of watermelon. It starts from a strong desire Chen Wen-Yu to assist farmers in order to enjoy the produce to become prosperous and consumers can feel good and healthy fruit. Learning from the experience of frequent storms Chen Wen-Yu made ​​efforts to obtain seed that can grow well even in a storm so as to reduce the risk of crop failure. Good seed can produce good fruit. Farmers will benefit from the sale of good fruit. The selection of horticultural commodities, the watermelon, because according to climatic conditions that is expected to strengthen Taiwan’s economy. Effort and perseverance Chen Wen-Yu to promote agriculture in the country received support from the Taiwan government’s Watermelon Festival with the holding of the public to learn more about commodities.

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Notulensi Acara “WTO Update”



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Peluang Karir di WTO

Oleh Michelle Ayu Chinta Kristy dan Angga Kusumo

11 Maret 2011

Berkarir di sebuah organisasi internasional, seperti WTO adalah hal yang cukup menantang dan prestisus. Sebagai Internasional Civil Servant, seorang yang ingin bekerja di WTO membutuhkan persiapan yang matang. Saat ini , tercatat hanya 34 WNI yang bekerja di berbagai OI pada berbagai tingkatan. Minimnnya sumber daya manusia yang bekerja di OI berdampak pula pada bargaining power Indonesia dalam OI .

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Rangkuman Diskusi Mingguan 14 Februari 2011

Pakar Namibia Bicara Perberasan di UGM

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YOGYAKARTA-Namibia hingga saat ini terus berupaya untuk mengembangkan beberapa varietas padi karena negara ini masih mengimpor beras dari negara lain, seperti Afrika Selatan. Akibat keterbatasan stok dan produksi beras tersebut, masyarakat Namibia dalam mengonsumsi beras masih terbatas dan terkadang hanya pada even-even tertentu. “Sering kali masyarakat Namibia itu terbatas dalam mengonsumsi beras dan hanya untuk even-even tertentu, seperti Natal dan sebagainya. Sejauh ini, mereka banyak mengonsumsi umbi-umbian atau jagung,” ujar Prof. Luke Kanyomeka dari University of Namibia dalam diskusi di Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia (PSPD) UGM, Senin (14/2).

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Notulensi Diskusi Mingguan Jum’at 4 Februari 2011

Strategi Pengembangan Sentra Kerajinan dan Pariwisata:

Dari Kasongan ke Seto City

Diskusi mingguan PSPD UGM pada hari Jum’at tanggal 4 Februari 2011 diisi oleh Muhammad Rum, asisten peneliti Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional UGM, yang mempresentasikan riset beliau mengenai Strategi Pengembangan Sentra Kerajinan dan Pariwisata: Dari Kasongan ke Seto City.

Kasongan (Bantul, Provinsi DIY) dan Seto City (Prefektur Aichi, Jepang) memiliki beberapa persamaan utama terkait situasi sentra kerajinan dan pariwisata. Pertama, Kasongan dan Seto City sama-sama mudah dicapai dari ibukota, dekat dengan daerah utama pariwisata (Yogyakarta dan Nagoya), serta adanya kemudahan akses transportasi (terutama dekat dengan bandara). Artinya, mereka sama-sama memiliki potensi pariwisata yang cukup baik. Kedua, budaya membuat kerajinan telah ada di dalam masyarakat sejak ratusan tahun, dan memiliki nilai sejarah karena berkembang pada peristiwa bersejarah. Industri kerajinan di Kasongan mulai terkenal sejak digunakan untuk membantu pasukan Diponegoro saat melawan Belanda, sedangkan industri di Seto City mulai terkenal saat digunakan untuk membantu pasukan Oda Nobunaga pada zaman Edo. Artinya, sentra kerajinan memiliki potensi karena di dalam masyarakat pun telah ada budaya membuat kerajinan serta ditambah dengan nilai sejarah yang dapat dioptimalkan sebagai nilai tambah bagi produk kerajinan yang dihasilkan.

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Notulensi Diskusi Mingguan PSPD UGM, 14 Januari 2011

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“ WTO UPDATE 2010 “

oleh Dedy Permadi, S.I.P, MA

A. WTO Chairs Programme (WCP) – Januari 2010

WTO meluncurkan program WCP, yang merupakan program bantuan kepada universitas di negara-negara berkembang dalam melakukan riset, pembelajaran, dan aktivitas terkait isu perdagangan dunia. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai isu kebijakan perdagangan kepada akademisi di negara-negara berkembang. Sampai saat ini hanya ada 14 universitas yang terpilih menjadi mitra WTO dalam pelaksanaan WCP. Salah satunya Indonesia yang diwakili Universitas Gadjah Mada, dengan Riza Noer Arfani sebagai Chairs Holder WCP Indonesia.

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