International Conference “Enhancing Indonesia’s Competitiveness in Contemporary Trade” International Conference “Enhancing Indonesia’s Competitiveness in Contemporary Trade”

  • Download Terms of Reference:click here
  • Download the event’s schedule and Discussion Cluster options:click here
  • Registration Fee: IDR 50,000
  • Contact Person:
    1. Mahar Nirmala [+62 857 2611 6838]
    2. Annisa Aryati [+62 852 5005 6335]
    3. Office [+62 274 580 273], or, you could send email to (Cc:

Program and Agenda

The program of the conference, official launching of WCP Indonesia and soft launching of MITS UGM shall comprise the following topics and speakers:

1. Keynote Topic:

  • “Indonesia’s Competitiveness: Current Issues and Future Challenges”
  • Keynote Speaker: H.E. Ms. Marie E. Pangestu *)[Minister of Trade, Indonesia]
  • The topic elaborates Indonesia’s current policies and debates on competitiveness as to chart future trends and challenges faced by Indonesia’s policy-makers, business players, community leaders, academic scholars, social activists and other relevant stakeholders in developing the nation’s competitiveness.

2. Opening Topic:

  • “World Trade and Global Competitiveness: WTO Perspective”
  • Speaker: H.E. Mr. Harsha V. Singh [Deputy Director General, WTO]
  • The topic elaborates dynamics in world trade relations as it affects to countries capacity in capitalizing and developing their competitiveness in trade and other international economic areas. The current trade system under WTO offers particular features which in turn help shape the way competition among nations in trade is conducted.

3. Comparative and Clustered Topics:

  • The topic elaborates international comparative perspectives and experiences on the issues of competitiveness as they are contributive to the Indonesian ones. The clustered topics follow afterwards as to deepen competitiveness challenges faced by Indonesia’s trade sectors.

a. Comparative Experiences

Invited Speakers:

WCP UGM/Indonesia Counterparts: Mr. Robert Teh/Mr. Gerardo T. Thielen

WCP Universities Partners: Chair-holders of WCP at:

  1. Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade: Mr. Lei Zhang
  2. University of Jordan: Mr. Taleb Awad Warred
  3. University of Mauritius: Ms. Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur
  4. National University of Singapore: Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow
  5. Vietnam National University: Mr. Vu Quoc Hu

b. Clustered Topics

1. Indonesia’s Competitiveness and Its Position in Contemporary World Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Mudrajad Kuncoro/ Mr. Anggito Abimanyu

2. Indonesia’s Political Economic Challenges in International Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Mohtar Mas’oed/Mr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati

3. Indonesia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Enhancing Trade Capacity and Expertise in International Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. M. Hawin/Mr. Nandang Sutrisno

4. Technical Aspects and Issues in Indonesia’s Key Trade Commodities [Manufacture, Agriculture and Services

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Masyhuri/Mr. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto

Detailed Agenda

Sunday, October 2nd 2011

Venue: Gedung Balairung, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • [19.00-21.00 WIB]  Welcoming Dinner
    • Welcoming speech by Rector of UGM
    • Introduction: DDG WTO and delegation
    • Cultural performance

Monday, October 3rd 2011

Venues: Gedung Lengkung, 5th Floor, Universitas Gadjah Mada

    • [07.30-08.30] Registration of participants
    • [08.30-09.00] Courtesy meeting at the Rector of UGM’s Office
    • [09.00-09.15] Opening Speech by Rector of UGM, H.E. Mr. Sudjarwadi
    • [09.15-09.45] Keynote Address by Minister of Trade, H.E. Mrs. Marie E. Pangestu*)
    • [09.45-10.10] Launching Ceremony of WCP UGM/Indonesia
    • [10.00-10.15] Coffee Break
    • [10.15-12.00] Morning Session
      • Opening Speaker: DDG WTO H.E. Mr. Harsha Singh
      • Discussants: (1) Mr. Makarim Wibisono & (2) Mr. Erman Rajagukguk
    • [12.00-13.00] Lunch Break
    • [13.00-15.00] 1st Afternoon Session: “Comparative Perspectives” 
      • Speakers:
        1. Mr. Robert Teh/Mr. Gerardo T. Thielen
        2. Mr. Lei Zhang/Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow
        3. Mr. Taleb Awad Warred/Ms. Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur
        4. Mr. Vu Quoc Hu
    • [15.00-15.30] Coffee Break 
    • [15.30-17.30] 2nd Afternoon Session: “Clustered Topics”
      • Speakers:
        1. Mr. Mudrajad Kuncoro/Mr. Anggito Abimanyu
        2. Mr. Mohtar Mas’oed/Mr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati
        3. Mr. M. Hawin/Mr. Nandang Sutrisno
        4. Mr. Masyhuri/Mr. Dwidjono H. Darwanto
    • [17.30-18.00] Wrap-Ups and Closings
    • [20.00-22.00] Dinner at Prambanan Temple & watching Ramayana Ballet Performance

  • Download Terms of Reference:click here
  • Download jadwal acara dan pilihan kluster diskusi:click here

Pusat Studi Perdagangan Dunia menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional dengan tema “Enhancing Indonesia’s Competitiveness in Contemporary Trade” yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Senin, tanggal 3 Oktober 2011 di Gedung Lengkung Universitas Gadjah Mada, Lantai 5. Acara akan dilaksanakan mulai pukul 08.00 hingga 17.30 WIB.

Konferensi ini akan dihadiri dan dibuka oleh Harsha Singh (Deputi Direktur-Jendral WTO), Mari E. Pangestu*) (Menteri Perdagangan RI), serta Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng.,Ph.D. (Rektor UGM). Konferensi ini juga akan menghadirkan beberapa praktisi dan akademisi di bidang perdagangan dunia.

Peserta juga dapat memilih untuk mengikuti/ tidak mengikuti sesi Farewell Dinner & Watching Ramayana Ballet di Candi Prambanan.

  • Biaya Registrasi Peserta:
    • IDR 50,000
  • Contact Person:
    1. Mahar Nirmala [+62 857 2611 6838]
    2. Annisa Aryati [+62 852 5005 6335]
    3. Office [+62 274 580 273], or, you could send email to (Cc:
  • Mekanisme Pendaftaran:
    • mengirim SMS kepada Mahar atau Annisa dengan format: nama lengkap (spasi) instansi (spasi) nomor telp (spasi) email (spasi) cara pembayaran
    • Pembayaran:
      1. Bank Mandiri Cabang MSi UGM, a.n. Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri – PSPD, rekening 137-00078-9389-0, atau
      2. mengunjungi kantor PSPD UGM / Sekretariat WTO Chairs Programme – UGM, Indonesia (pada hari Senin-Jum’at, 09.00-15.00 WIB) di Jl. Podocarpus Blok C No. 7 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281.

Program and Agenda

The program of the conference, official launching of WCP Indonesia and soft launching of MITS UGM shall comprise the following topics and speakers:

1. Keynote Topic:

  • “Indonesia’s Competitiveness: Current Issues and Future Challenges”
  • Keynote Speaker: H.E. Ms. Marie E. Pangestu *)[Minister of Trade, Indonesia]
  • The topic elaborates Indonesia’s current policies and debates on competitiveness as to chart future trends and challenges faced by Indonesia’s policy-makers, business players, community leaders, academic scholars, social activists and other relevant stakeholders in developing the nation’s competitiveness.

2. Opening Topic:

  • “World Trade and Global Competitiveness: WTO Perspective”
  • Speaker: H.E. Mr. Harsha V. Singh [Deputy Director General, WTO]
  • The topic elaborates dynamics in world trade relations as it affects to countries capacity in capitalizing and developing their competitiveness in trade and other international economic areas. The current trade system under WTO offers particular features which in turn help shape the way competition among nations in trade is conducted.

3. Comparative and Clustered Topics:

  • The topic elaborates international comparative perspectives and experiences on the issues of competitiveness as they are contributive to the Indonesian ones. The clustered topics follow afterwards as to deepen competitiveness challenges faced by Indonesia’s trade sectors.

a. Comparative Experiences

Invited Speakers:

WCP UGM/Indonesia Counterparts: Mr. Robert Teh/Mr. Gerardo T. Thielen

WCP Universities Partners: Chair-holders of WCP at:

  1. Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade: Mr. Lei Zhang
  2. University of Jordan: Mr. Taleb Awad Warred
  3. University of Mauritius: Ms. Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur
  4. National University of Singapore: Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow
  5. Vietnam National University: Mr. Vu Quoc Hu

b. Clustered Topics

1. Indonesia’s Competitiveness and Its Position in Contemporary World Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Mudrajad Kuncoro/ Mr. Anggito Abimanyu

2. Indonesia’s Political Economic Challenges in International Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Mohtar Mas’oed/Mr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati

3. Indonesia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Enhancing Trade Capacity and Expertise in International Trade

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. M. Hawin/Mr. Nandang Sutrisno

4. Technical Aspects and Issues in Indonesia’s Key Trade Commodities [Manufacture, Agriculture and Services

  • Invited Speakers: Mr. Masyhuri/Mr. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto

Detailed Agenda

Sunday, October 2nd 2011

Venue: Gedung Balairung, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • [19.00-21.00 WIB]  Welcoming Dinner
    • Welcoming speech by Rector of UGM
    • Introduction: DDG WTO and delegation
    • Cultural performance

Monday, October 3rd 2011

Venues: Gedung Lengkung, 5th Floor, Universitas Gadjah Mada

    • [07.30-08.30] Registration of participants
    • [08.30-09.00] Courtesy meeting at the Rector of UGM’s Office
    • [09.00-09.15] Opening Speech by Rector of UGM, H.E. Mr. Sudjarwadi
    • [09.15-09.45] Keynote Address by Minister of Trade, H.E. Mrs. Marie E. Pangestu*)
    • [09.45-10.10] Launching Ceremony of WCP UGM/Indonesia
    • [10.00-10.15] Coffee Break
    • [10.15-12.00] Morning Session
      • Opening Speaker: DDG WTO H.E. Mr. Harsha Singh
      • Discussants: (1) Mr. Makarim Wibisono & (2) Mr. Erman Rajagukguk
    • [12.00-13.00] Lunch Break
    • [13.00-15.00] 1st Afternoon Session: “Comparative Perspectives” 
      • Speakers:
        1. Mr. Robert Teh/Mr. Gerardo T. Thielen
        2. Mr. Lei Zhang/Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow
        3. Mr. Taleb Awad Warred/Ms. Verena Tandrayen-Ragoobur
        4. Mr. Vu Quoc Hu
    • [15.00-15.30] Coffee Break 
    • [15.30-17.30] 2nd Afternoon Session: “Clustered Topics”
      • Speakers:
        1. Mr. Mudrajad Kuncoro/Mr. Anggito Abimanyu
        2. Mr. Mohtar Mas’oed/Mr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati
        3. Mr. M. Hawin/Mr. Nandang Sutrisno
        4. Mr. Masyhuri/Mr. Dwidjono H. Darwanto
    • [17.30-18.00] Wrap-Ups and Closings
    • [20.00-22.00] Dinner at Prambanan Temple & watching mayana Ballet Performance

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