

Competitiveness Performance of Indonesia Tea Commodity In International MarketKinerja Daya Saing Teh Indonesia di Pasar Internasional

This study aims to analyze the trend production of tea of some tea producer countries , the trend export of Indonesian tea, Indonesian tea competitiveness in international market, and the factors that influence the demand for Indonesian tea in Pakistan and UK. The data used in this research ranged from 1961 to 2010 which was downloaded by the site,, and The method used to analyze the purpose 1 and 2 is simple regression model of least square; competitiveness of Indonesian tea commodity analyzed by several indicators of competitive power, such as the RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), RSCA (Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage), AR (Acceleration Ratio), and ISP (Trade Specialization Index), and the last purpose (the factors that influence the demand for Indonesian tea by Pakistan and UK) was analyzed by multiple regression models. The result showed that the production and export of Indonesian tea tends to increase, based on the value of RCA and RSCA, Indonesian tea has a comparative advantage, ISP also figures that Indonesian tea has reached the stage of maturation, but the growth in the quantity of tea export by Indonesia was unable to reach the growth of the world quantity demand for tea. Factors that influence the demand for tea by Pakistan is Indonesia rupiah per Pakistan rupee, while in the UK are the population of UK, GDP, and the price of cow’s milk as complementary goods.

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Impact of Agriculture on Agreement (AoA) for Indonesia’s Horticulture TradeDampak AoA terhadap Perdagangan Komoditas Hortikultura Indonesia

The Indonesia horticulture trade indicates that the value of imports higher than the value of exports for raw or processed commodity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of import, the competitiveness and the factors that affect Indonesia’s import of garlic, onions, potatoes and oranges. Type of data used secondary data from the years 1991-2010. To find out the analysis of competitiveness were run revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and accelaration ratio (AR). To investigate the factors affecting the import of horticultural Indonesia used error correction model (ECM). Trend in Indonesia garlic, onions, potatoes and oranges import showed a increase. Indonesia has low competitiveness and accelerating exports of garlic, onions, potatoes and oranges Indonesia and. Availability of garlic per capita affect the import of garlic. AoA policies significantly affect the import of garlic and onion. While the ratio of the price of domestic products with international product prices affect the import of all commodities.

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